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  Hasthe ideas machine broken down?


  Theidea that innovation and new technology have stopped driving growth is gettingincreasing attention. But it is not well founded


  Jan12th 2023 | from the print edition

  BOOMtimes are back in Silicon Valley. Office parks along Highway 101 are once againadorned with the insignia of hopeful start-ups. Rents are soaring, as is thedemand for fancy vacation homes in resort towns like Lake Tahoe, a sign offortunes being amassed. The Bay Area was the birthplace of the semiconductorindustry and the computer and internet companies that have grown up in itswake. Its wizards provided many of the marvels that make the world feelfuturistic, from touch-screen phones to the instantaneous searching of greatlibraries to the power to pilot a drone thousands of miles away. The revival inits business activity since 2010 suggests progress is motoring on.


  Soit may come as a surprise that some in Silicon Valley think the place isstagnant, and that the rate of innovation has been slackening for decades.Peter Thiel, a founder of PayPal, an internet payment company, and the first outsideinvestor in Facebook, a social network, says that innovation in America is somewhere between dire straits and dead.Engineers in all sorts of areas share similar feelings of disappointment. And asmall but growing group of economists reckon the economic impact of theinnovations of today may pale in comparison with those of the past.


  Some suspect that the rich world s economicdoldrums may be rooted in a long-term technological stasis. In a 2011 e-bookTyler Cowen, an economist at George Mason University, argued that the financialcrisis was masking a deeper and more disturbing Great Stagnation. It wasthis which explained why growth in rich-world real incomes and employment hadlong been slowing and, since 2000, had hardly risen at all . Thevarious motors of 20th-century growthsome technological,some nothad played themselves out, and new technologies were not going tohave the same invigorating effect on the economies of the future. For all itsflat-screen dazzle and high-bandwidth pizzazz, it seemed the world had run outof ideas.


  Glide path


  The argument that the world is on a technological plateau runs alongthree lines. The first comes from growth statistics. Economists divide growthinto two different types, extensive and intensive. Extensive growth is a matter of adding more and/or better labour,capital and resources. These are the sort of gains that countries saw fromadding women to the labour force in greater numbers and increasing workers education.And, as Mr Cowen notes, this sort of growth is subject to diminishing returns:the first addition will be used where it can do most good, the tenth where itcan do the tenth-most good, and so on. If this were the only sort of growththere was, it would end up leaving incomes just above the subsistence level.


  Intensive growth is powered by the discovery of ever better ways touse workers and resources. This is the sort of growth that allows continuousimprovement in incomes and welfare, and enables an economy to grow even as itspopulation decreases. Economists label the all-purpose improvement factorresponsible for such growth technologythough it includes things like better laws and regulations as wellas technical advanceand measure it using a technique called growthaccounting. In this accounting, technology is the bit left over after calculating the effect on GDP of thingslike labour, capital and education. And at the moment, in the rich world, itlooks like there is less of it about. Emerging markets still manage fastgrowth, and should be able to do so for some time, because they are catching upwith technologies already used elsewhere. The rich world has no such engine topull it along, and it shows.


  This is hardly unusual. For most of humanhistory, growth in output and overall economic welfare has been slow andhalting. Over the past two centuries, first in Britain, Europe and America,then elsewhere, it took off. In the 19th century growth in output per persona usefulgeneral measure of an economy s productivity, and a good guide to growth inincomesaccelerated steadily in Britain. By 1906 it was more than 1% a year.By the middle of the 20th century, real output per person in America wasgrowing at a scorching 2.5% a year, a pace at which productivity and incomesdouble once a generation . More than a century of increasinglypowerful and sophisticated machines were obviously a part of that story, as wasthe rising amount of fossil-fuel energy available to drive them.


  But in the 1970s America s growth in real output per person droppedfrom its post-second-world-war peak of over 3% a year to just over 2% a year.In the 2000s it tumbled below 1%. Output per worker per hour shows a similarpattern, according to Robert Gordon, an economist at Northwestern University:it is pretty good for most of the 20th century, then slumps in the 1970s. Itbounced back between 1996 and 2004, but since 2004 the annual rate has fallento 1.33%, which is as low as it was from 1972 to 1996. Mr Gordon muses that thepast two centuries of economic growth might actually amount to just one big wave of dramaticchange rather than a new era of uninterrupted progress, and that the world isreturning to a regime in which growth is mostly of the extensive sort .


  Mr Gordon sees it as possible that there were only a few trulyfundamental innovationsthe ability to use power on a large scale, to keep housescomfortable regardless of outside temperature, to get from any A to any B, totalk to anyone you need toand that they have mostly been made. There will be more innovationbut it willnot change the way the world works in the way electricity, internal-combustionengines, plumbing, petrochemicals and the telephone have. Mr Cowen is morewilling to imagine big technological gains ahead, but he thinks there are nomore low-hanging fruit. Turning terabytes of genomic knowledge into medicalbenefit is a lot harder than discovering and mass producing antibiotics.


  The pessimistssecond line of argument is based on how much invention is going on.Amid unconvincing appeals to the number of patents filed and databases of innovations puttogether quite subjectively, Mr Cowen cites interesting work by Charles Jones,an economist at Stanford University. In a 2002 paper Mr Jones studied thecontribution of different factors to growth in American per-capita incomes inthe period 1950-93. His work indicated that some 80% of income growth was dueto rising educational attainment and greater research intensity . Because neitherfactor can continue growing ceaselessly, in the absence of some new factorcoming into play growth is likely to slow.





  Hasthe ideas machine broken down?


  Theidea that innovation and new technology have stopped driving growth is gettingincreasing attention. But it is not well founded


  Jan12th 2023 | from the print edition

  BOOMtimes are back in Silicon Valley. Office parks along Highway 101 are once againadorned with the insignia of hopeful start-ups. Rents are soaring, as is thedemand for fancy vacation homes in resort towns like Lake Tahoe, a sign offortunes being amassed. The Bay Area was the birthplace of the semiconductorindustry and the computer and internet companies that have grown up in itswake. Its wizards provided many of the marvels that make the world feelfuturistic, from touch-screen phones to the instantaneous searching of greatlibraries to the power to pilot a drone thousands of miles away. The revival inits business activity since 2010 suggests progress is motoring on.


  Soit may come as a surprise that some in Silicon Valley think the place isstagnant, and that the rate of innovation has been slackening for decades.Peter Thiel, a founder of PayPal, an internet payment company, and the first outsideinvestor in Facebook, a social network, says that innovation in America is somewhere between dire straits and dead.Engineers in all sorts of areas share similar feelings of disappointment. And asmall but growing group of economists reckon the economic impact of theinnovations of today may pale in comparison with those of the past.


  Some suspect that the rich world s economicdoldrums may be rooted in a long-term technological stasis. In a 2011 e-bookTyler Cowen, an economist at George Mason University, argued that the financialcrisis was masking a deeper and more disturbing Great Stagnation. It wasthis which explained why growth in rich-world real incomes and employment hadlong been slowing and, since 2000, had hardly risen at all . Thevarious motors of 20th-century growthsome technological,some nothad played themselves out, and new technologies were not going tohave the same invigorating effect on the economies of the future. For all itsflat-screen dazzle and high-bandwidth pizzazz, it seemed the world had run outof ideas.


  Glide path


  The argument that the world is on a technological plateau runs alongthree lines. The first comes from growth statistics. Economists divide growthinto two different types, extensive and intensive. Extensive growth is a matter of adding more and/or better labour,capital and resources. These are the sort of gains that countries saw fromadding women to the labour force in greater numbers and increasing workers education.And, as Mr Cowen notes, this sort of growth is subject to diminishing returns:the first addition will be used where it can do most good, the tenth where itcan do the tenth-most good, and so on. If this were the only sort of growththere was, it would end up leaving incomes just above the subsistence level.


  Intensive growth is powered by the discovery of ever better ways touse workers and resources. This is the sort of growth that allows continuousimprovement in incomes and welfare, and enables an economy to grow even as itspopulation decreases. Economists label the all-purpose improvement factorresponsible for such growth technologythough it includes things like better laws and regulations as wellas technical advanceand measure it using a technique called growthaccounting. In this accounting, technology is the bit left over after calculating the effect on GDP of thingslike labour, capital and education. And at the moment, in the rich world, itlooks like there is less of it about. Emerging markets still manage fastgrowth, and should be able to do so for some time, because they are catching upwith technologies already used elsewhere. The rich world has no such engine topull it along, and it shows.


  This is hardly unusual. For most of humanhistory, growth in output and overall economic welfare has been slow andhalting. Over the past two centuries, first in Britain, Europe and America,then elsewhere, it took off. In the 19th century growth in output per persona usefulgeneral measure of an economy s productivity, and a good guide to growth inincomesaccelerated steadily in Britain. By 1906 it was more than 1% a year.By the middle of the 20th century, real output per person in America wasgrowing at a scorching 2.5% a year, a pace at which productivity and incomesdouble once a generation . More than a century of increasinglypowerful and sophisticated machines were obviously a part of that story, as wasthe rising amount of fossil-fuel energy available to drive them.


  But in the 1970s America s growth in real output per person droppedfrom its post-second-world-war peak of over 3% a year to just over 2% a year.In the 2000s it tumbled below 1%. Output per worker per hour shows a similarpattern, according to Robert Gordon, an economist at Northwestern University:it is pretty good for most of the 20th century, then slumps in the 1970s. Itbounced back between 1996 and 2004, but since 2004 the annual rate has fallento 1.33%, which is as low as it was from 1972 to 1996. Mr Gordon muses that thepast two centuries of economic growth might actually amount to just one big wave of dramaticchange rather than a new era of uninterrupted progress, and that the world isreturning to a regime in which growth is mostly of the extensive sort .


  Mr Gordon sees it as possible that there were only a few trulyfundamental innovationsthe ability to use power on a large scale, to keep housescomfortable regardless of outside temperature, to get from any A to any B, totalk to anyone you need toand that they have mostly been made. There will be more innovationbut it willnot change the way the world works in the way electricity, internal-combustionengines, plumbing, petrochemicals and the telephone have. Mr Cowen is morewilling to imagine big technological gains ahead, but he thinks there are nomore low-hanging fruit. Turning terabytes of genomic knowledge into medicalbenefit is a lot harder than discovering and mass producing antibiotics.


  The pessimistssecond line of argument is based on how much invention is going on.Amid unconvincing appeals to the number of patents filed and databases of innovations puttogether quite subjectively, Mr Cowen cites interesting work by Charles Jones,an economist at Stanford University. In a 2002 paper Mr Jones studied thecontribution of different factors to growth in American per-capita incomes inthe period 1950-93. His work indicated that some 80% of income growth was dueto rising educational attainment and greater research intensity . Because neitherfactor can continue growing ceaselessly, in the absence of some new factorcoming into play growth is likely to slow.



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