篇章: 男人其實更感性
He might like you to believe he s as hard as nails, but dont be fooled by your mans tough exterior.
Enlightening new research has found that men are in fact more emotional than women.
The experiment found that when men and women watched the same heart-warming videos, it was the men who experienced stronger physiological reactions.
But true to type, when asked about their emotions, the women admitted feeling more emotional than the men did.
In the experiment, a group of 30 participants were presented with a series of images and videos, while their physiological responses were measured via skin conductance electrodes attached to their fingers.
The content they were presented with was categorised into four topics: blissful, funny, exciting and heart-warming.
Men demonstrated a marginally higher emotional reaction to the blissful, funny and exciting content, compared to the women.
However, the experiment found that men responded twice as strongly as women with higher levels of physiological emotion when presented with heart-warming content.
The mens emotional reactions significantly spiked when they watched a video of a solider coming home from war and reuniting with his daughter.
As part of the experiment, participants also had to rate the content on a questionnaire to say how it made them feel.
As expected, women said they felt more emotional in response to the content compared to the men.
However, even though men reported feeling less emotion than women, their physiological changes showed that in fact they felt emotion more strongly.
篇章: 男人其實更感性
He might like you to believe he s as hard as nails, but dont be fooled by your mans tough exterior.
Enlightening new research has found that men are in fact more emotional than women.
The experiment found that when men and women watched the same heart-warming videos, it was the men who experienced stronger physiological reactions.
But true to type, when asked about their emotions, the women admitted feeling more emotional than the men did.
In the experiment, a group of 30 participants were presented with a series of images and videos, while their physiological responses were measured via skin conductance electrodes attached to their fingers.
The content they were presented with was categorised into four topics: blissful, funny, exciting and heart-warming.
Men demonstrated a marginally higher emotional reaction to the blissful, funny and exciting content, compared to the women.
However, the experiment found that men responded twice as strongly as women with higher levels of physiological emotion when presented with heart-warming content.
The mens emotional reactions significantly spiked when they watched a video of a solider coming home from war and reuniting with his daughter.
As part of the experiment, participants also had to rate the content on a questionnaire to say how it made them feel.
As expected, women said they felt more emotional in response to the content compared to the men.
However, even though men reported feeling less emotion than women, their physiological changes showed that in fact they felt emotion more strongly.