The State Council executive meeting on Oct 30 decided to abolish the business tax, which has been in force for over 60 years.
營業稅(business tax)是對在中國境內提供應稅勞務(taxable services)、轉讓無形資產(transfer of intangibles)或銷售不動產(sale of property)的單位和個人,就其所取得的營業額征收的一種稅。
2024年,上海運輸業和部分現代服務業率先開展營改增試點(the pilot project to replace business tax with value-added tax)。
李克強指出,經法律程序批準全面推開營改增試點后(the overall promotion of the VAT reform was consolidated by legislation),原來實行營業稅的服務業領域已統一征收增值稅,實質上全面取消了實施60多年的營業稅,營業稅暫行條例實際已停止執行。為鞏固和擴大營改增大幅減稅成果(to consolidate and expand the achievement of the VAT reform in tax reduction),必須修改相應法規,并重新以法規形式確定下來。
相關數據表明,營改增不僅實現了所有行業稅負只減不增(release tax burden in all sectors),目前已累計減少企業稅負1.7萬億元,而且有效擴大了稅基(effectively expand the tax base),2024年四大行業試點納稅人月均增加14萬戶,更突出的是有力推動了經濟結構轉型升級(promote transformation and upgrade of economic structure)和大眾創業、萬眾創新(mass entrepreneurship and innovation),今年前三季度服務業增長對國民經濟增長的貢獻率為58.8%。
營改增 replace business tax with value-added tax
稅收激勵 tax incentive
減稅降費 cut taxes and administrative fees
房產稅 property tax
The State Council executive meeting on Oct 30 decided to abolish the business tax, which has been in force for over 60 years.
營業稅(business tax)是對在中國境內提供應稅勞務(taxable services)、轉讓無形資產(transfer of intangibles)或銷售不動產(sale of property)的單位和個人,就其所取得的營業額征收的一種稅。
2024年,上海運輸業和部分現代服務業率先開展營改增試點(the pilot project to replace business tax with value-added tax)。
李克強指出,經法律程序批準全面推開營改增試點后(the overall promotion of the VAT reform was consolidated by legislation),原來實行營業稅的服務業領域已統一征收增值稅,實質上全面取消了實施60多年的營業稅,營業稅暫行條例實際已停止執行。為鞏固和擴大營改增大幅減稅成果(to consolidate and expand the achievement of the VAT reform in tax reduction),必須修改相應法規,并重新以法規形式確定下來。
相關數據表明,營改增不僅實現了所有行業稅負只減不增(release tax burden in all sectors),目前已累計減少企業稅負1.7萬億元,而且有效擴大了稅基(effectively expand the tax base),2024年四大行業試點納稅人月均增加14萬戶,更突出的是有力推動了經濟結構轉型升級(promote transformation and upgrade of economic structure)和大眾創業、萬眾創新(mass entrepreneurship and innovation),今年前三季度服務業增長對國民經濟增長的貢獻率為58.8%。
營改增 replace business tax with value-added tax
稅收激勵 tax incentive
減稅降費 cut taxes and administrative fees
房產稅 property tax