In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to makea significant contribution without first being
strongly influenced by past achievements withinthat field.
Workers in the small town of Leeville take fewersick days than workers in the large city of Masonton, 50 miles away. Moreover, relative to population size, the diagnosis of stress-related illness isproportionally much lower in Leeville than in Masonton. According to the Leeville Chamber ofCommerce, these facts can be attributed to the health benefits of the relatively relaxed pace oflife in Leeville.
1. it is no longer possible for society to regard a living man or woman as a hero
2. government officials should carry out the will of the people they serve or make their own judgement
3. 91.The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people\'s efficiency so that they have more leisure time.
4. 考頻最高的那個requiring students to take a variety of courses
5. 多樣化課程的教育(高頻,幸運啊!!)
6. 112 requiring university students to take a variety of course outside their major fields of study is the best way to ensure that students become truly educated
7. ISSUE是科技提高是否讓人們有更多leisure time
9. courses outside their major fields A是Butler County和Prunty County的
10. ISSUE: Scientists and other researchers should focus their research on areas that are likely to benefit the greatest number of people
11. issue19
1. Happy Pancake Restaurant; margarine; butter
2. 襪子公司想要停止endure manufacturing process以提高利潤 舉出三條理由
(我寫的就是說三條理由對profit提高的correlation沒有建立起來 用到的論點有company image long-term customer relationship (停止生產質量下降), sock are seasonal (為什么消費者都3個月就買一次),東北部人民強調新潮式樣和顏色種類可能因為比較愛fashion 但不代表他們就不care about the endurability,最后看有時間又扯到要是停止這個process了也不一定會提高利潤因為1)可能需要裁員,剩下的員工可能就不會那么 incentivized和有Job security,因為他們也擔心隨時也會被裁掉2)雖然patent也可以賣,但是在RD階段有很多sunk cost是沒辦法recover的
3. 13. 就是P縣從55到45限速結果失敗,然后要采取路面改進的那篇
4. argu是出政策改55每小時到45每小時,然后用鄰市的那個拓寬道路的方法。
5. 有個道路車輛的題目(不知道是不是高頻)
6. 13 講 那個prunty為減少交通事故的 要運用 butler的方法的那篇 要求是evidence arguement
1. 對于時間充裕的同學
機經中的高頻是出現頻率高的作文,沒有人能保證考時一定遇到高頻題. 如果還有不少時間,建議不要放棄任何一道題, 很多經驗證明了,很多考生都有可能遇到有史以來第一次考到的ISSUE和ARGU題, 所以什么事情都是有可能發生的(就好象指出ARGU里的邏輯錯誤一樣)
2. 對于時間不那么充裕的同學
In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to makea significant contribution without first being
strongly influenced by past achievements withinthat field.
Workers in the small town of Leeville take fewersick days than workers in the large city of Masonton, 50 miles away. Moreover, relative to population size, the diagnosis of stress-related illness isproportionally much lower in Leeville than in Masonton. According to the Leeville Chamber ofCommerce, these facts can be attributed to the health benefits of the relatively relaxed pace oflife in Leeville.
1. it is no longer possible for society to regard a living man or woman as a hero
2. government officials should carry out the will of the people they serve or make their own judgement
3. 91.The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people\'s efficiency so that they have more leisure time.
4. 考頻最高的那個requiring students to take a variety of courses
5. 多樣化課程的教育(高頻,幸運啊!!)
6. 112 requiring university students to take a variety of course outside their major fields of study is the best way to ensure that students become truly educated
7. ISSUE是科技提高是否讓人們有更多leisure time
9. courses outside their major fields A是Butler County和Prunty County的
10. ISSUE: Scientists and other researchers should focus their research on areas that are likely to benefit the greatest number of people
11. issue19
1. Happy Pancake Restaurant; margarine; butter
2. 襪子公司想要停止endure manufacturing process以提高利潤 舉出三條理由
(我寫的就是說三條理由對profit提高的correlation沒有建立起來 用到的論點有company image long-term customer relationship (停止生產質量下降), sock are seasonal (為什么消費者都3個月就買一次),東北部人民強調新潮式樣和顏色種類可能因為比較愛fashion 但不代表他們就不care about the endurability,最后看有時間又扯到要是停止這個process了也不一定會提高利潤因為1)可能需要裁員,剩下的員工可能就不會那么 incentivized和有Job security,因為他們也擔心隨時也會被裁掉2)雖然patent也可以賣,但是在RD階段有很多sunk cost是沒辦法recover的
3. 13. 就是P縣從55到45限速結果失敗,然后要采取路面改進的那篇
4. argu是出政策改55每小時到45每小時,然后用鄰市的那個拓寬道路的方法。
5. 有個道路車輛的題目(不知道是不是高頻)
6. 13 講 那個prunty為減少交通事故的 要運用 butler的方法的那篇 要求是evidence arguement
1. 對于時間充裕的同學
機經中的高頻是出現頻率高的作文,沒有人能保證考時一定遇到高頻題. 如果還有不少時間,建議不要放棄任何一道題, 很多經驗證明了,很多考生都有可能遇到有史以來第一次考到的ISSUE和ARGU題, 所以什么事情都是有可能發生的(就好象指出ARGU里的邏輯錯誤一樣)
2. 對于時間不那么充裕的同學