1. 河長制
river chief system
The general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council have jointly issued a document to implement a river chief system nationwide.
中辦、國辦11日正式公布《關于全面推行河長制的意見》,提出在全國江河湖泊(rivers and lakes)推行"河長制(river chief/keeper system)",到2024年年底前全面建立河長制。根據《意見》,我國將全面建立省、市、縣、鄉四級河長體系(establish provincial, municipal, and county- and township-level river chief systems),并任命地方各級政府領導為河長(appoint heads of local government at various levels as river chiefs)。各省(自治區、直轄市)需任命省級政府領導為總河長(each province, autonomous region and municipality should appoint its government head as its general river chief);市長和縣長應負責行政區域(administrative region)內水資源的保護。
各級河長(river chief)是河湖管護(management and protection of rivers and lakes)的第一責任人。各級河長的主要任務包括:加強水資源保護(water resource protection)、加強河湖水域岸線管理保護(shoreline management and protection)、加強水污染防治(water pollution prevention and control)、加強水環境治理(water environment management)、加強水生態修復(ecological restoration)以及加強執法監管(law enforcement monitoring)。
根據《意見》,河長的工作表現(job performance)將接受考核,負責的水體出現環境損害的,將被問責(they will be held accountable if environmental damage occurs in the waters they take charge of)。各省(自治區、直轄市)黨委和政府(Party committee and government)要在每年1月底前將上年度的貫徹落實情況上報。
河流污染 river pollution
水污染 water contamination
水質檢測 water quality test
河道 watercourse
非法排污 illegal discharge of pollutants
政績 political performance
公眾監督 public supervision
2. 最重霧霾
most severe smog
Beijing has issued its first air pollution red alert of the year, as the most severe smog since autumn is set to start on Friday night and last for five days.
據北京市環保局消息,北京將于16日20時啟動空氣重污染紅色預警(the red alert for heavy air pollution will take effect from 8 pm Friday)。16日至21日紅警啟動期間,國Ⅰ、國Ⅱ排放標準機動車(cars with National I and II emission standards)禁止上路行駛,國Ⅲ及以上機動車單雙號行駛(be allowed to drive on alternate days based on an odd-or-even license plate rule);機動車違反上述規定的,將被處以100元罰款(be fined RMB100)。目前,北京及天津政府已發出通知,要求關閉建筑工地(shut down construction sites)并建議部分工廠停工、學校停課(schools are advised to suspend classes)。自21日夜間起空氣質量預計將有所改善(air quality is expected to improve),屆時將根據空氣質量實況及預報適時解除預警。
環保部(the Ministry of Environmental Protection)還向天津市、河北省、山西省、山東省、河南省人民政府發函,通報空氣質量預測預報信息(air quality forecasts),提出預警提示建議。除北京市外,京津冀周邊20余城市也已相繼發布紅警(more than 20 cities around the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region have also issued red alerts),9城市發布橙色預警(orange alert)。環保部將派出13個督查組(inspection teams),就地方政府是否采取適當措施開展督查(check whether local governments have taken appropriate measures)。此外,環保部還將嚴厲打擊企業超標排放等違法行為,加大重點企業及燃煤設施的監督檢查力度,落實機動車限行(traffic restriction)等措施,保障各項應對措施落實到位。
碳排放 carbon emission
空氣末日 airpocalypse
國家安全標準 national safety level
交通擁堵 traffic jam/congestion
空氣凈化器 air purifier
空氣過濾口罩 air filtration face mask
3. 春運火車票
train tickets for the Spring Festival travel rush
Train tickets for the first day of the Spring Festival travel rush went on sale Thursday.
我國一年一度的春運(the annual Spring Festival travel rush)被譽為世界最大規模人口遷徙(the world's largest human migration)。春運從2024年1月13日起至2月21日止,共40天,是自2024年以來啟動最早的一次春運。同時受鐵路新線調圖影響,網購火車票預售期(pre-sale period)從60天調整為30天,車站售票窗口(ticket booth)、代售點(ticket agency)、自動售票機(automatic ticket vending machine)預售期由58天調整為28天。本月15日起,2024年春運火車票(train tickets for the Spring Festival travel rush)啟動互聯網和電話預售。按現行預售期計算,除夕(1月27日)車票將在本月29日開售(go on sale)。
中國鐵路總公司(China Railway Corporation)預計,2024年春運中國鐵路預計發送旅客3.56億人次(the country's rail network will handle 356m journeys during the travel rush),同比增加3156萬人次,增幅達9.7%。春運期間,全國鐵路計劃增開旅客列車(passenger train)以應對增加的客流量,并將簡化購票流程(simplify ticket purchase procedures)以提升服務。通過官方購票網站(official ticket purchasing website)12306.cn購票,近六成車票購買時不再需要輸入驗證碼(verification code)。
12306手機客戶端也在本月初進行了更新升級,客戶端首頁置頂了四大服務:查詢列車正晚點信息(check if the trains are on schedule)、溫馨服務、查詢全國各地火車站的車票起售時間(check the start of tickets pre-sale period in all railway stations across the country)和約車(car hailing)。溫馨服務的服務類型包括重點旅客預約(VIP passenger reservation service)、遺失物品查找(lost and found)、質量服務投訴(complaints about service quality)、網絡購票(buy/purchase tickets online)投訴、建議及客服(customer service)電話查詢。
自助進站通道 self-service check-in lane
訂票取票 ticket booking and pickup
囤票 hoard tickets
臨客列車 temporary train
售票詐騙 ticket sale fraud
倒票 ticket scalping
黃牛 scalper
4. 二維碼支付
two-dimensional barcode payment
China UnionPay, the national bankcard association, on Monday launched its own application and security standard for two-dimensional barcode payment.
12日,中國銀聯發布二維碼支付標準,包括《中國銀聯二維碼支付應用規范》、《中國銀聯二維碼支付安全規范(security standard)》兩個企業標準。中國銀聯技術部總經理宋漢石表示,銀聯將采用統一的技術解決方案(adopt unified technical solutions)來實現不同金融機構間的互聯互通(achieve interconnectivity among different financial institutions),保證用戶體驗的一致性。銀聯二維碼支付標準采用支付標記化技術(token technology),對賬戶敏感信息進行保護(protect sensitive account information),確保支付安全(ensure payment security)。
銀聯二維碼支付遵循現有銀行卡支付的"四方模式(four party model)",與實體銀行卡支付(physical card payment)的差異在于支付信息交互方式的變化,其后臺賬戶仍基于實體銀行卡賬戶。目前,支付市場存在三方模式和四方模式。四方模式即卡組織(card association)、發卡機構(card issuer)、商戶(merchant)和收單機構(acquirer)四類參與主體,目前中國銀聯、Visa、萬事達卡等均采用四方模式;而支付寶、微信支付等第三方支付機構(third-party payment institution)直連銀行,繞開卡組織進行網絡支付,即采取三方模式。
用戶如果想要通過銀聯二維碼支付,需要滿足以下條件:在手機中安裝(install)銀行APP或銀聯錢包APP;APP中綁定已實名認證的銀行卡(bind a bankcard registered with holder's real name to the app);所支付商家需具備銀聯二維碼支付方式。目前工商銀行、建設銀行、民生銀行、中信銀行、招商銀行、浦發銀行、興業銀行等已紛紛推出二維碼支付產品。農業銀行和平安銀行的二維碼支付產品可能將在明年上線。業內人士指出,銀聯推出二維碼標準,意在深耕互聯網金融(internet finance),搶灘以支付寶、微信錢包為主的移動支付市場(compete for a share in the mobile payment market dominated by Alipay and WeChat Wallet)。
快速回應碼 Quick Response (QR) code
現金支付 cash payment
刷卡 swipe the card
取錢 withdraw cash
清算銀行 clearing bank
小額信貸 micro credit
惡意軟件 malware
5. 校園霸凌/欺凌
bullying on campus
A primary school in Beijing on Tuesday denied allegations of bullying on its campus after an open letter written by a Beijing mother about how her 10-year-old son was bullied at school went viral.
8日晚,一篇題為《每對母子都是生死之交,我要陪他向校園霸凌說NO!》的文章開始在微信朋友圈(WeChat Moments)等平臺刷屏。撰文者自稱是中關村二小(Zhongguancun Second Primary School)四年級一名10歲男孩的媽媽。她稱,孩子在學校被同學用廁所垃圾筐扣頭并嘲笑后(after having a toilet wastepaper basket thrown on his head and being mocked by classmates),出現失眠(insomnia)、厭食(anorexia)、恐懼上學等癥狀,被醫院診斷為"急性應激反應(acute stress disorder)",在之后與學校的溝通中未達成一致。 這位母親還寫道,她向學校及海淀區教委(education committee)反映此事(report the incident),惡作劇的兩個孩子供認不諱。但一名對方家長覺得"就是孩子淘氣"(believe the kid was "just being naughty"),拒絕道歉。老師定性此事為"就是開了一個過分的玩笑"(describe the case as "merely an overdone prank/a joke that went too far"),并讓她放棄"處理懲戒施暴的孩子、讓施暴者的家長道歉"等訴求。
10日,中關村二小發表聲明稱:從事發到現在,學校一直在積極努力協調,客觀、公正地(objectively and fairly)處理幾方家長(the relevant parents)間的相關訴求和矛盾糾紛。本著保護好每一位未成年孩子的合法權益(protect every minor child's legal rights),學校還將做持續努力,力爭達到多方認可的結果(further effort will be made to achieve an outcome that is recognized by all parties)。針對近期網絡上出現的關于我校以及相關事件的不實言論,將保留通過法律途徑維護學校及學生聲譽的權利(retain the right to defend the honor of the school and its students through legal means)。該校還呼吁讓教育問題回歸校園進行處理(leave the educational issues to the schools themselves)。
13日,中關村二小作出最新回應稱:孩子屬于正常的同學關系(have a normal relationship at school),課上、課下互動交往正常,有互相起外號現象,但沒有明顯的矛盾沖突(no apparent conflict),認定其為"偶發事件",尚不足以認定涉事學生構成校園"欺凌"或者"暴力"(do not constitute bullying or violence on campus)。
事件過程中,涉事學生行為是否構成"校園欺凌"一直是各方最大的分歧所在(where the biggest dispute lies)。據悉,目前"校園欺凌"事件普遍存在取證(obtain evidence)難、認定(identify)難的問題。到底誰來判定是否為欺凌(who can judge whether it is bullying or not)、該如何處理,目前仍較模糊。根據今年4月國務院《關于開展校園欺凌專項治理的通知》,"校園欺凌"即"發生在學生之間蓄意或惡意通過肢體、語言及網絡等手段,實施欺負、侮辱造成傷害"的行為(behaviors among students which involve bullying and humiliation that cause harms, through physical or verbal abuse as well as in cyberspace with deliberate and malicious intention)。按照校園欺凌問題權威專家界定,欺凌具備三個基本特征:"重復發生性(frequent occurrence)、傷害性(hurtfulness)和力量不均衡性(power/strength imbalance)"。中國教育科學研究院研究員儲朝暉表示,在對校園欺凌進行判定時,不能僅從表面、形式上判斷,當被欺凌者感到痛苦時,該學生就是受到了欺凌。
校園暴力 campus/school violence
校園孤立 isolation on campus
攻擊行為 aggressive behavior
零容忍 zero tolerance
群毆 mass brawl
6. 加息
rate hike
The US Federal Reserve on Wednesday decided to raise benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points, the first and only rate hike in 2024.
美聯儲在聲明中稱,經濟溫和擴張(moderate economic expansion)、勞動力市場持續走強(continued strengthening of labor market),以及通脹水平的改善(the improvement in inflation condition)支撐了此次加息(the rate hike)。這是美聯儲在過去十年中的第二次加息(the second increase in a decade),上一次加息發生在去年年底,加息幅度也是0.25%。美聯儲還表示,政策依然"寬松"(policy remained "accommodative"),而這將支持勞動力市場進一步"有所"增強(support "some" further strengthening of the labor market)。
據報道,此次加息是對美國經濟復蘇勢頭增強且可能會進一步受到共和黨減稅政策刺激(receive further stimulus from Republican tax cuts)的回應。在最近幾個季度接連調降加息預測之后,美國央行的政策制定者(policymakers)將2024年加息次數的預估中值(median projection)從此前的兩次上調至三次,預計每次調整幅度將為25個基點。
受美聯儲加息影響,15日,上證綜指微跌0.73%(the benchmark of the Shanghai Composite Index declined slightly by 0.73%)。當日,人民幣對美元中間價(the central parity rate of the renminbi against the US dollar)報6.9289,大幅下調261個基點(be weakened 261 basis points)。經濟學家認為,我國應加大對資產價格泡沫遏制的力度(China should step up efforts to contain asset price bubbles),以應對美元走強的局面。
加息周期 interest rate hike cycle
存款準備金率 required reserve ratio
貸款基礎利率 Loan Prime Rate, LPR
存款利率浮動區間 floating band of deposit rate
逆回購 reverse repo
1. 河長制
river chief system
The general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council have jointly issued a document to implement a river chief system nationwide.
中辦、國辦11日正式公布《關于全面推行河長制的意見》,提出在全國江河湖泊(rivers and lakes)推行"河長制(river chief/keeper system)",到2024年年底前全面建立河長制。根據《意見》,我國將全面建立省、市、縣、鄉四級河長體系(establish provincial, municipal, and county- and township-level river chief systems),并任命地方各級政府領導為河長(appoint heads of local government at various levels as river chiefs)。各省(自治區、直轄市)需任命省級政府領導為總河長(each province, autonomous region and municipality should appoint its government head as its general river chief);市長和縣長應負責行政區域(administrative region)內水資源的保護。
各級河長(river chief)是河湖管護(management and protection of rivers and lakes)的第一責任人。各級河長的主要任務包括:加強水資源保護(water resource protection)、加強河湖水域岸線管理保護(shoreline management and protection)、加強水污染防治(water pollution prevention and control)、加強水環境治理(water environment management)、加強水生態修復(ecological restoration)以及加強執法監管(law enforcement monitoring)。
根據《意見》,河長的工作表現(job performance)將接受考核,負責的水體出現環境損害的,將被問責(they will be held accountable if environmental damage occurs in the waters they take charge of)。各省(自治區、直轄市)黨委和政府(Party committee and government)要在每年1月底前將上年度的貫徹落實情況上報。
河流污染 river pollution
水污染 water contamination
水質檢測 water quality test
河道 watercourse
非法排污 illegal discharge of pollutants
政績 political performance
公眾監督 public supervision
2. 最重霧霾
most severe smog
Beijing has issued its first air pollution red alert of the year, as the most severe smog since autumn is set to start on Friday night and last for five days.
據北京市環保局消息,北京將于16日20時啟動空氣重污染紅色預警(the red alert for heavy air pollution will take effect from 8 pm Friday)。16日至21日紅警啟動期間,國Ⅰ、國Ⅱ排放標準機動車(cars with National I and II emission standards)禁止上路行駛,國Ⅲ及以上機動車單雙號行駛(be allowed to drive on alternate days based on an odd-or-even license plate rule);機動車違反上述規定的,將被處以100元罰款(be fined RMB100)。目前,北京及天津政府已發出通知,要求關閉建筑工地(shut down construction sites)并建議部分工廠停工、學校停課(schools are advised to suspend classes)。自21日夜間起空氣質量預計將有所改善(air quality is expected to improve),屆時將根據空氣質量實況及預報適時解除預警。
環保部(the Ministry of Environmental Protection)還向天津市、河北省、山西省、山東省、河南省人民政府發函,通報空氣質量預測預報信息(air quality forecasts),提出預警提示建議。除北京市外,京津冀周邊20余城市也已相繼發布紅警(more than 20 cities around the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region have also issued red alerts),9城市發布橙色預警(orange alert)。環保部將派出13個督查組(inspection teams),就地方政府是否采取適當措施開展督查(check whether local governments have taken appropriate measures)。此外,環保部還將嚴厲打擊企業超標排放等違法行為,加大重點企業及燃煤設施的監督檢查力度,落實機動車限行(traffic restriction)等措施,保障各項應對措施落實到位。
碳排放 carbon emission
空氣末日 airpocalypse
國家安全標準 national safety level
交通擁堵 traffic jam/congestion
空氣凈化器 air purifier
空氣過濾口罩 air filtration face mask
3. 春運火車票
train tickets for the Spring Festival travel rush
Train tickets for the first day of the Spring Festival travel rush went on sale Thursday.
我國一年一度的春運(the annual Spring Festival travel rush)被譽為世界最大規模人口遷徙(the world's largest human migration)。春運從2024年1月13日起至2月21日止,共40天,是自2024年以來啟動最早的一次春運。同時受鐵路新線調圖影響,網購火車票預售期(pre-sale period)從60天調整為30天,車站售票窗口(ticket booth)、代售點(ticket agency)、自動售票機(automatic ticket vending machine)預售期由58天調整為28天。本月15日起,2024年春運火車票(train tickets for the Spring Festival travel rush)啟動互聯網和電話預售。按現行預售期計算,除夕(1月27日)車票將在本月29日開售(go on sale)。
中國鐵路總公司(China Railway Corporation)預計,2024年春運中國鐵路預計發送旅客3.56億人次(the country's rail network will handle 356m journeys during the travel rush),同比增加3156萬人次,增幅達9.7%。春運期間,全國鐵路計劃增開旅客列車(passenger train)以應對增加的客流量,并將簡化購票流程(simplify ticket purchase procedures)以提升服務。通過官方購票網站(official ticket purchasing website)12306.cn購票,近六成車票購買時不再需要輸入驗證碼(verification code)。
12306手機客戶端也在本月初進行了更新升級,客戶端首頁置頂了四大服務:查詢列車正晚點信息(check if the trains are on schedule)、溫馨服務、查詢全國各地火車站的車票起售時間(check the start of tickets pre-sale period in all railway stations across the country)和約車(car hailing)。溫馨服務的服務類型包括重點旅客預約(VIP passenger reservation service)、遺失物品查找(lost and found)、質量服務投訴(complaints about service quality)、網絡購票(buy/purchase tickets online)投訴、建議及客服(customer service)電話查詢。
自助進站通道 self-service check-in lane
訂票取票 ticket booking and pickup
囤票 hoard tickets
臨客列車 temporary train
售票詐騙 ticket sale fraud
倒票 ticket scalping
黃牛 scalper
4. 二維碼支付
two-dimensional barcode payment
China UnionPay, the national bankcard association, on Monday launched its own application and security standard for two-dimensional barcode payment.
12日,中國銀聯發布二維碼支付標準,包括《中國銀聯二維碼支付應用規范》、《中國銀聯二維碼支付安全規范(security standard)》兩個企業標準。中國銀聯技術部總經理宋漢石表示,銀聯將采用統一的技術解決方案(adopt unified technical solutions)來實現不同金融機構間的互聯互通(achieve interconnectivity among different financial institutions),保證用戶體驗的一致性。銀聯二維碼支付標準采用支付標記化技術(token technology),對賬戶敏感信息進行保護(protect sensitive account information),確保支付安全(ensure payment security)。
銀聯二維碼支付遵循現有銀行卡支付的"四方模式(four party model)",與實體銀行卡支付(physical card payment)的差異在于支付信息交互方式的變化,其后臺賬戶仍基于實體銀行卡賬戶。目前,支付市場存在三方模式和四方模式。四方模式即卡組織(card association)、發卡機構(card issuer)、商戶(merchant)和收單機構(acquirer)四類參與主體,目前中國銀聯、Visa、萬事達卡等均采用四方模式;而支付寶、微信支付等第三方支付機構(third-party payment institution)直連銀行,繞開卡組織進行網絡支付,即采取三方模式。
用戶如果想要通過銀聯二維碼支付,需要滿足以下條件:在手機中安裝(install)銀行APP或銀聯錢包APP;APP中綁定已實名認證的銀行卡(bind a bankcard registered with holder's real name to the app);所支付商家需具備銀聯二維碼支付方式。目前工商銀行、建設銀行、民生銀行、中信銀行、招商銀行、浦發銀行、興業銀行等已紛紛推出二維碼支付產品。農業銀行和平安銀行的二維碼支付產品可能將在明年上線。業內人士指出,銀聯推出二維碼標準,意在深耕互聯網金融(internet finance),搶灘以支付寶、微信錢包為主的移動支付市場(compete for a share in the mobile payment market dominated by Alipay and WeChat Wallet)。
快速回應碼 Quick Response (QR) code
現金支付 cash payment
刷卡 swipe the card
取錢 withdraw cash
清算銀行 clearing bank
小額信貸 micro credit
惡意軟件 malware
5. 校園霸凌/欺凌
bullying on campus
A primary school in Beijing on Tuesday denied allegations of bullying on its campus after an open letter written by a Beijing mother about how her 10-year-old son was bullied at school went viral.
8日晚,一篇題為《每對母子都是生死之交,我要陪他向校園霸凌說NO!》的文章開始在微信朋友圈(WeChat Moments)等平臺刷屏。撰文者自稱是中關村二小(Zhongguancun Second Primary School)四年級一名10歲男孩的媽媽。她稱,孩子在學校被同學用廁所垃圾筐扣頭并嘲笑后(after having a toilet wastepaper basket thrown on his head and being mocked by classmates),出現失眠(insomnia)、厭食(anorexia)、恐懼上學等癥狀,被醫院診斷為"急性應激反應(acute stress disorder)",在之后與學校的溝通中未達成一致。 這位母親還寫道,她向學校及海淀區教委(education committee)反映此事(report the incident),惡作劇的兩個孩子供認不諱。但一名對方家長覺得"就是孩子淘氣"(believe the kid was "just being naughty"),拒絕道歉。老師定性此事為"就是開了一個過分的玩笑"(describe the case as "merely an overdone prank/a joke that went too far"),并讓她放棄"處理懲戒施暴的孩子、讓施暴者的家長道歉"等訴求。
10日,中關村二小發表聲明稱:從事發到現在,學校一直在積極努力協調,客觀、公正地(objectively and fairly)處理幾方家長(the relevant parents)間的相關訴求和矛盾糾紛。本著保護好每一位未成年孩子的合法權益(protect every minor child's legal rights),學校還將做持續努力,力爭達到多方認可的結果(further effort will be made to achieve an outcome that is recognized by all parties)。針對近期網絡上出現的關于我校以及相關事件的不實言論,將保留通過法律途徑維護學校及學生聲譽的權利(retain the right to defend the honor of the school and its students through legal means)。該校還呼吁讓教育問題回歸校園進行處理(leave the educational issues to the schools themselves)。
13日,中關村二小作出最新回應稱:孩子屬于正常的同學關系(have a normal relationship at school),課上、課下互動交往正常,有互相起外號現象,但沒有明顯的矛盾沖突(no apparent conflict),認定其為"偶發事件",尚不足以認定涉事學生構成校園"欺凌"或者"暴力"(do not constitute bullying or violence on campus)。
事件過程中,涉事學生行為是否構成"校園欺凌"一直是各方最大的分歧所在(where the biggest dispute lies)。據悉,目前"校園欺凌"事件普遍存在取證(obtain evidence)難、認定(identify)難的問題。到底誰來判定是否為欺凌(who can judge whether it is bullying or not)、該如何處理,目前仍較模糊。根據今年4月國務院《關于開展校園欺凌專項治理的通知》,"校園欺凌"即"發生在學生之間蓄意或惡意通過肢體、語言及網絡等手段,實施欺負、侮辱造成傷害"的行為(behaviors among students which involve bullying and humiliation that cause harms, through physical or verbal abuse as well as in cyberspace with deliberate and malicious intention)。按照校園欺凌問題權威專家界定,欺凌具備三個基本特征:"重復發生性(frequent occurrence)、傷害性(hurtfulness)和力量不均衡性(power/strength imbalance)"。中國教育科學研究院研究員儲朝暉表示,在對校園欺凌進行判定時,不能僅從表面、形式上判斷,當被欺凌者感到痛苦時,該學生就是受到了欺凌。
校園暴力 campus/school violence
校園孤立 isolation on campus
攻擊行為 aggressive behavior
零容忍 zero tolerance
群毆 mass brawl
6. 加息
rate hike
The US Federal Reserve on Wednesday decided to raise benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points, the first and only rate hike in 2024.
美聯儲在聲明中稱,經濟溫和擴張(moderate economic expansion)、勞動力市場持續走強(continued strengthening of labor market),以及通脹水平的改善(the improvement in inflation condition)支撐了此次加息(the rate hike)。這是美聯儲在過去十年中的第二次加息(the second increase in a decade),上一次加息發生在去年年底,加息幅度也是0.25%。美聯儲還表示,政策依然"寬松"(policy remained "accommodative"),而這將支持勞動力市場進一步"有所"增強(support "some" further strengthening of the labor market)。
據報道,此次加息是對美國經濟復蘇勢頭增強且可能會進一步受到共和黨減稅政策刺激(receive further stimulus from Republican tax cuts)的回應。在最近幾個季度接連調降加息預測之后,美國央行的政策制定者(policymakers)將2024年加息次數的預估中值(median projection)從此前的兩次上調至三次,預計每次調整幅度將為25個基點。
受美聯儲加息影響,15日,上證綜指微跌0.73%(the benchmark of the Shanghai Composite Index declined slightly by 0.73%)。當日,人民幣對美元中間價(the central parity rate of the renminbi against the US dollar)報6.9289,大幅下調261個基點(be weakened 261 basis points)。經濟學家認為,我國應加大對資產價格泡沫遏制的力度(China should step up efforts to contain asset price bubbles),以應對美元走強的局面。
加息周期 interest rate hike cycle
存款準備金率 required reserve ratio
貸款基礎利率 Loan Prime Rate, LPR
存款利率浮動區間 floating band of deposit rate
逆回購 reverse repo