40Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem.
The discovery of electricity is a case in point. When the scientist first found the phenomena of electricity, some reporters asked him to predict the potential use of it. The scientist replied like this: could you predict the contribution of a man when he was just a baby? As time passes, electricity becomes one of the fundamental factors in peoples everyday life in modern world.
Einstein Albert who simply put his effort in the theoretical physics eventually promoted the advances in natural science. Watt James who just interested in the mechanism of the steam engine eventually propelled the Industrial Revolution in the eighteen century.
And their research should not cause serious problems in society. Clone of Human is an example. Although some scientists have strong interests in cloning human beings, they should not do that, because such research will cause many problems in ethics and morality.
學者和研究人員不應該關注他們的工做是否對社會有所貢獻; 他們追求自己個人的興趣更為重要,無論那些興趣看起來是多么不尋常或者多么特殊。
Prcis Syllabus:
許多人認為科學和研究應當為整個社會服務,并根據這個原因得出研究者和學者都應當盡可能的從事相對來說更有利于社會的研究。盡管這個觀點表面上看似乎正確,但是爭論卻因為對于 contribute的這個詞的不同看法而引起了,因為在人類社會中并沒有統一的標準用來衡量什么學科要比另一些學科 contributes more to the human society. 因此,讓科學家們根據自己的興趣進行研究最最好的解決上述問題的方法。
Many people argue that scholars and researchers should make their contribution to the issues that may contribute most to the human society rather than to select the resear ch fields by their own interest. This statement seems rati onal at first glance; however, an precarious situation has been appeared from the different identifications of the term contributio n because different people have different comprehension toward the standards of this term. In order to preclude the confusions of the above argument, many people states that providin g the scholars and researchers with the opportunity to select their research fields should benefit the evolution of human world in the long run.
1、 首先,不可否認,確實有一些學科能夠對當時社會發展起顯著的推動作用。甚至一些學科就是為了解決社會問題而出現的,這些學科能夠在短期內讓整個社會受益,因此許多的政府和國際機構都投入了足夠的資源和政策幫助科學家們從事這類的科學研究。比如,許多科學家們正在研究解決大氣污染問題的方法,為了盡可能的減少大氣污染對于人類生活的影響但在一段很長的時間里,判斷什么樣的研究最有利于社會的長遠發展幾乎不可能。
2、 正如經常被提到的,科學研究的主要目的是幫助人類認識他們所未知的事物,從這個觀點出發,幾乎所有的研究都是有利于社會的人們認識世界并能夠幫助人們利用探索得到的知識改造世界的。比如,當年伽利略的自由落體定律,似乎并沒有解決當時社會的任何問題,但是卻成為后人發展物理學的基礎并對人類社會的發展發揮了重要的作用。
3、 對于許多的科學家們來說,興趣可能是他們選擇研究課題的重要因素。首先,個人興趣能夠讓科學家們更熱衷于所從事的研究,相比之下,如果他們被迫選擇一些他們并不感興趣的 fields 研究不光會在短期內耗盡他們的積極性,而且還會很容易造成研究中的失誤和疏忽。其次,科學家們很據自己興趣選擇研究領域能夠讓富有創新性和遠見的科學家從事有利于人類社會長遠發展的課題,并能夠保持社會長期穩定的發展。相反,如果讓所有的科學家從事幾個有限數量的學科,雖然可能很快的解決社會問題,但是對未來的發展是有不利影響的。
總之,任何科學家和學者都有選擇喜歡研究的領域的權力,就像任何人都有選擇穿自己喜歡衣服的權力一樣。所有的科學研究從長遠看都是有用的,不光包括那些新興的用于解決短期社會問題的學科,同樣也包含unusual or idiosyncratic fields of research.
二、科學是智慧的結晶 Science is the result of intellect, which acts best when left unfettered.
1.人的nature是追求自由,若限制自由,在 physically, spiritedly confined,less creative
2. 研究是個艱難的過程
4.the advance of knowledge would be fastest,如果不是受 unitary conception決定的話
三、我們通常不知道結果 one of the characteristics of research involves uncertainty that renders the results unforeseeable.
1.我們認為 contributable 的不見得,但科學家的卻可能 greatness
2. Cold War,科學家被強制研究武器
四、限于當代人水平,可能不能被認同 history informs us that a lot of greatness, beyond peoples ken, cannot be recognized by its contemporary society, stemming from limitation of traditions and conventional wisdom.
1.Mendel, Keynes
五、但是需要被引導 we have to assign priority to the most profitable research on the basis of the scant resources
1.為了利用我們不具備的知識,Talents should be guided, but not by what people think they ought to do, but by the value others attach on the results which scientists aim
2. 諾貝爾獎就是個好例子,沒有 regulate interest,但guide, social needs
40T Scholars and researchers should not be concer ned with whether their wo rk makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem.
① 從現實來看,能夠立馬 apply to reality 的學科確實能得到更多的資助。如:法學、商學
② 但從長期來看,誰能說清楚什么是有貢獻的?Who is to decide which areas of academic inquiry are worthwhile? Scholars cannot be left to decide; nor can regulators and legislators. 現在看起來沒什么用將來可能有大用處。如:Einstein 發展了 the principle relativity, the quantum theory, 當時沒用,現在奠定了當代物理學的基礎。以及發端自數學的 game theory
③ 在自己感興趣的領域做事,科學家們更容易出成果。By human nature we are motivated to pursue those activities in which we excel. A enthusiasm B excel
Not for Edisons sustained work, we wouldnt have benefited so much from his marvelous inventions.
40Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem.
The discovery of electricity is a case in point. When the scientist first found the phenomena of electricity, some reporters asked him to predict the potential use of it. The scientist replied like this: could you predict the contribution of a man when he was just a baby? As time passes, electricity becomes one of the fundamental factors in peoples everyday life in modern world.
Einstein Albert who simply put his effort in the theoretical physics eventually promoted the advances in natural science. Watt James who just interested in the mechanism of the steam engine eventually propelled the Industrial Revolution in the eighteen century.
And their research should not cause serious problems in society. Clone of Human is an example. Although some scientists have strong interests in cloning human beings, they should not do that, because such research will cause many problems in ethics and morality.
學者和研究人員不應該關注他們的工做是否對社會有所貢獻; 他們追求自己個人的興趣更為重要,無論那些興趣看起來是多么不尋常或者多么特殊。
Prcis Syllabus:
許多人認為科學和研究應當為整個社會服務,并根據這個原因得出研究者和學者都應當盡可能的從事相對來說更有利于社會的研究。盡管這個觀點表面上看似乎正確,但是爭論卻因為對于 contribute的這個詞的不同看法而引起了,因為在人類社會中并沒有統一的標準用來衡量什么學科要比另一些學科 contributes more to the human society. 因此,讓科學家們根據自己的興趣進行研究最最好的解決上述問題的方法。
Many people argue that scholars and researchers should make their contribution to the issues that may contribute most to the human society rather than to select the resear ch fields by their own interest. This statement seems rati onal at first glance; however, an precarious situation has been appeared from the different identifications of the term contributio n because different people have different comprehension toward the standards of this term. In order to preclude the confusions of the above argument, many people states that providin g the scholars and researchers with the opportunity to select their research fields should benefit the evolution of human world in the long run.
1、 首先,不可否認,確實有一些學科能夠對當時社會發展起顯著的推動作用。甚至一些學科就是為了解決社會問題而出現的,這些學科能夠在短期內讓整個社會受益,因此許多的政府和國際機構都投入了足夠的資源和政策幫助科學家們從事這類的科學研究。比如,許多科學家們正在研究解決大氣污染問題的方法,為了盡可能的減少大氣污染對于人類生活的影響但在一段很長的時間里,判斷什么樣的研究最有利于社會的長遠發展幾乎不可能。
2、 正如經常被提到的,科學研究的主要目的是幫助人類認識他們所未知的事物,從這個觀點出發,幾乎所有的研究都是有利于社會的人們認識世界并能夠幫助人們利用探索得到的知識改造世界的。比如,當年伽利略的自由落體定律,似乎并沒有解決當時社會的任何問題,但是卻成為后人發展物理學的基礎并對人類社會的發展發揮了重要的作用。
3、 對于許多的科學家們來說,興趣可能是他們選擇研究課題的重要因素。首先,個人興趣能夠讓科學家們更熱衷于所從事的研究,相比之下,如果他們被迫選擇一些他們并不感興趣的 fields 研究不光會在短期內耗盡他們的積極性,而且還會很容易造成研究中的失誤和疏忽。其次,科學家們很據自己興趣選擇研究領域能夠讓富有創新性和遠見的科學家從事有利于人類社會長遠發展的課題,并能夠保持社會長期穩定的發展。相反,如果讓所有的科學家從事幾個有限數量的學科,雖然可能很快的解決社會問題,但是對未來的發展是有不利影響的。
總之,任何科學家和學者都有選擇喜歡研究的領域的權力,就像任何人都有選擇穿自己喜歡衣服的權力一樣。所有的科學研究從長遠看都是有用的,不光包括那些新興的用于解決短期社會問題的學科,同樣也包含unusual or idiosyncratic fields of research.
二、科學是智慧的結晶 Science is the result of intellect, which acts best when left unfettered.
1.人的nature是追求自由,若限制自由,在 physically, spiritedly confined,less creative
2. 研究是個艱難的過程
4.the advance of knowledge would be fastest,如果不是受 unitary conception決定的話
三、我們通常不知道結果 one of the characteristics of research involves uncertainty that renders the results unforeseeable.
1.我們認為 contributable 的不見得,但科學家的卻可能 greatness
2. Cold War,科學家被強制研究武器
四、限于當代人水平,可能不能被認同 history informs us that a lot of greatness, beyond peoples ken, cannot be recognized by its contemporary society, stemming from limitation of traditions and conventional wisdom.
1.Mendel, Keynes
五、但是需要被引導 we have to assign priority to the most profitable research on the basis of the scant resources
1.為了利用我們不具備的知識,Talents should be guided, but not by what people think they ought to do, but by the value others attach on the results which scientists aim
2. 諾貝爾獎就是個好例子,沒有 regulate interest,但guide, social needs
40T Scholars and researchers should not be concer ned with whether their wo rk makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem.
① 從現實來看,能夠立馬 apply to reality 的學科確實能得到更多的資助。如:法學、商學
② 但從長期來看,誰能說清楚什么是有貢獻的?Who is to decide which areas of academic inquiry are worthwhile? Scholars cannot be left to decide; nor can regulators and legislators. 現在看起來沒什么用將來可能有大用處。如:Einstein 發展了 the principle relativity, the quantum theory, 當時沒用,現在奠定了當代物理學的基礎。以及發端自數學的 game theory
③ 在自己感興趣的領域做事,科學家們更容易出成果。By human nature we are motivated to pursue those activities in which we excel. A enthusiasm B excel
Not for Edisons sustained work, we wouldnt have benefited so much from his marvelous inventions.