在文章的寫作中,少運用一些general words,反而多增加specific images. 什么是general words和specific images那,例如說; car 就是general words,因為車的種類有很多。 而Benz SUV 就是specific images。 在考試的時候,多使用specific words可以幫助把物體解釋的更清楚。讀者也會獲得更多的信息,使他們對你的文章更方便了解。
例1;General: Tom got into his car and drove off.
Specific: Tom leaped into his SUV and roared off.
例2;General: The writer wrote a three-page critique of the painting in which he said he did not like it.
Specific: In his three-page critique, the art critic squeezed every drop of meaning- and enjoyment- out of the 3-inch by 3-inch pastel.
General words 對人物,地點,和事物的介紹都無法給讀者準備的信息,所以為了更清楚的說明,把這些名詞都應該換成specific words.
例3;General: An old dog came up the street.
Specific: An ancient, gray-muzzled golden retriever wandered up Bluebird Canyon Road.
例4;General: My coach illustrates the point about playing fairly.
Specific: My basketball coach, Ms Berry, illustrates the essay- ists point about playing fairly.
例5;General: At the end of the day, the workmen walked up the snow-covered road.
Specific: At the end of the day, the tired workmen trudged wearily up the snow-covered road.
在文章的寫作中,少運用一些general words,反而多增加specific images. 什么是general words和specific images那,例如說; car 就是general words,因為車的種類有很多。 而Benz SUV 就是specific images。 在考試的時候,多使用specific words可以幫助把物體解釋的更清楚。讀者也會獲得更多的信息,使他們對你的文章更方便了解。
例1;General: Tom got into his car and drove off.
Specific: Tom leaped into his SUV and roared off.
例2;General: The writer wrote a three-page critique of the painting in which he said he did not like it.
Specific: In his three-page critique, the art critic squeezed every drop of meaning- and enjoyment- out of the 3-inch by 3-inch pastel.
General words 對人物,地點,和事物的介紹都無法給讀者準備的信息,所以為了更清楚的說明,把這些名詞都應該換成specific words.
例3;General: An old dog came up the street.
Specific: An ancient, gray-muzzled golden retriever wandered up Bluebird Canyon Road.
例4;General: My coach illustrates the point about playing fairly.
Specific: My basketball coach, Ms Berry, illustrates the essay- ists point about playing fairly.
例5;General: At the end of the day, the workmen walked up the snow-covered road.
Specific: At the end of the day, the tired workmen trudged wearily up the snow-covered road.