三星發廣告diss蘋果 諷刺劉海設計糟糕
備受期待的iPhone X已經在上周五正式全球發售,而三星也選擇在周末發布了一則全新廣告宣傳旗下Note 8機型。三星在廣告中諷刺了蘋果系列手機的諸多缺點和變化歷史,但還是阻擋不住蘋果新機熱賣。
As Apple’s long awaited iPhone X hit shelves around the world, Samsung’s newest ad uses the opportunity to make a mockery of the last 10 years of iPhone products.
備受期待的蘋果新版手機iPhone X近日全球開售,三星此時卻發布最新廣告,借機把近10年的蘋果手機諷刺了個遍。
The minute-long Samsung advert follows an Apple customer over the course of 10 years—from the launch of the first iPhone in 2007, to the release of the iPhone X last week.
三星發布的這支時長一分鐘的廣告主角是一位蘋果手機用戶。廣告講述了這位用戶10年的手機使用歷程,從2007年蘋果發布首款iPhone手機,到上周蘋果公司開始發售iPhone X。
The ad follows a common argument adopted by Samsung Galaxy and other Android users that Apple is often late to adopting smartphone technologies, such as waterproofing and wireless charging.
第一個轉折出現在2010年,男主角用iPhone 3GS拍照時提示存儲空間不足。
第二個轉折是2024年的iPhone 5S,主角和姑娘約會分別時留電話,對方的Note3有著巨大的屏幕和S Pen,手寫分享比自己的撥打電話方式輕松愉快的多。
第三個轉折點是2024年,兩人不小心跌入水中,妹子的S7 Edge不僅記錄下了跌倒前拍攝的美景,而且完全沒壞,男主角的iPhone 6S則是宣告報廢。
接下來是2024年,iPhone 7砍掉了耳機孔,所以不得不通過轉接的方式邊充邊聽歌,而妹子的S8無線充電走起……
忍無可忍后,男主角將iPhone 7束之高閣,換成了一臺三星Note8。同時他還路過蘋果店看到那些依然排隊等首發的人們,最后用一名果粉的劉海諷刺了iPhone X。
At the launch of the $999 iPhone X, the character in Samsung’s ad decides to switch to a Galaxy Note 8 rather than join the queues for the iPhone X. Standing in the line outside the Apple store is a man with a peculiar haircut—styled in the shape of the notch found at the top of Apple’s new smartphone.
在售價999美元的iPhone X發布后,三星廣告中的主角決定轉而購買三星蓋樂世Note 8手機,而不是為了買到iPhone X去排長隊。在蘋果商店外等候購買的長隊中,有一位男性發型很特殊,劉海的形狀和蘋果新版手機頂部的凹槽設計一樣。
Apple’s iPhone X notch has been widely criticized by tech pundits, who have called the design “odd” and “ridiculous.” The reason for the peculiar design is to accommodate a front-facing camera and facial-recognition technology in a device that Apple advertises as “all screen.”
iPhone X的凹槽設計一直飽受科技專家的批評,他們稱這種設計“奇葩”且“可笑”。這種特殊設計是為了兼容前置攝像頭和人臉識別技術,蘋果公司還大力宣傳了這種“全面屏”設計。
The video follows a character upgrading his Apple iPhone each year, and each year continuing to miss out on features like water-proofing, the headphone jack and more, as he compares to Samsung models that do have these features ahead of the iPhone.
今年5月,蘋果為了讓用戶換iPhone,一口氣推出8支廣告懟安卓,幾乎把安卓陣營黑的體無完膚;上月,三星發布了一則重點鼓吹OLED屏幕的廣告宣傳蓋樂世S8,而這則廣告發布的第二天iPhone X就開始接受預定;在iPhone 6上市之前,三星曾在廣告中表示蘋果不是第一家推出大屏設備的企業,三星還嘲笑iPhone 5電池續航能力極差。
The ad is not Samsung’s first slight against Apple. In 2024, the South Korean firm made fun of its rival’s phones as it launched the Galaxy Note 7, zeroing in on the lack of a headphone jack (which many Apple customers complained about). To go back even further, Samsung released videos on YouTube in 2024 and in a 2024 Superbowl teaser also, mocking Apple smartphones and watches.
這不是三星第一次懟蘋果了。2024年,三星公司在發布蓋樂世Note 7手機時,取笑蘋果手機沒有耳機插孔(很多蘋果手機用戶或許也抱怨這一點)。再往前看,2024年三星在YouTube發布的一段視頻,以及2024年在超級碗廣告中,都取笑了蘋果手機和蘋果手表。
2024年,三星公司在蓋樂世S6 Edge廣告中又對于蘋果無數的充電線進行了吐槽:“這么多充電線你累不累啊?”
The new Galaxy Note 8 by Samsung launched well before the Apple iPhone X, and comes with dual rear cameras with dual OIS, a much bigger 6.3-inch OLED full display with 18:9 aspect ratio. It also has a much bigger battery than Apple’s iPhone X (although Samsung doesn’t like to talk too much about batteries, given the fiasco with the Galaxy Note 7).
蘋果公司發布最新款iPhone X手機前,三星公司剛剛發布新款蓋樂世Note 8手機,配有后置雙攝像頭且都支持OIS光學防抖,擁有更大的6.3英寸OLED全屏幕,高寬比18:9,電池容量也比iPhone X更大(盡管由于Note 7電池慘敗,三星不怎么提這一點)。
Apple may not be too troubled by the mockery: the new iPhone is already sold out, and reports of strong demand around the world have driven the company’s stock to new all-time highs in recent days. And, as they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery: a new trial has been ordered to determine how much Samsung should pay Apple for copying the look of the iPhone.
There’s another irony to this battle: Samsung has a vested interest in the iPhone X’s success, given that Samsung supplies the OLED display, NAND flash and the DRAM chips in the iPhone.
諷刺的是,iPhone X熱賣還能讓三星公司賺上一筆,三星公司是蘋果手機的OLED顯示屏、NAND閃存和DRAM芯片供應商。
備受期待的iPhone X已經在上周五正式全球發售,而三星也選擇在周末發布了一則全新廣告宣傳旗下Note 8機型。三星在廣告中諷刺了蘋果系列手機的諸多缺點和變化歷史,但還是阻擋不住蘋果新機熱賣。
As Apple’s long awaited iPhone X hit shelves around the world, Samsung’s newest ad uses the opportunity to make a mockery of the last 10 years of iPhone products.
備受期待的蘋果新版手機iPhone X近日全球開售,三星此時卻發布最新廣告,借機把近10年的蘋果手機諷刺了個遍。
The minute-long Samsung advert follows an Apple customer over the course of 10 years—from the launch of the first iPhone in 2007, to the release of the iPhone X last week.
三星發布的這支時長一分鐘的廣告主角是一位蘋果手機用戶。廣告講述了這位用戶10年的手機使用歷程,從2007年蘋果發布首款iPhone手機,到上周蘋果公司開始發售iPhone X。
The ad follows a common argument adopted by Samsung Galaxy and other Android users that Apple is often late to adopting smartphone technologies, such as waterproofing and wireless charging.
第一個轉折出現在2010年,男主角用iPhone 3GS拍照時提示存儲空間不足。
第二個轉折是2024年的iPhone 5S,主角和姑娘約會分別時留電話,對方的Note3有著巨大的屏幕和S Pen,手寫分享比自己的撥打電話方式輕松愉快的多。
第三個轉折點是2024年,兩人不小心跌入水中,妹子的S7 Edge不僅記錄下了跌倒前拍攝的美景,而且完全沒壞,男主角的iPhone 6S則是宣告報廢。
接下來是2024年,iPhone 7砍掉了耳機孔,所以不得不通過轉接的方式邊充邊聽歌,而妹子的S8無線充電走起……
忍無可忍后,男主角將iPhone 7束之高閣,換成了一臺三星Note8。同時他還路過蘋果店看到那些依然排隊等首發的人們,最后用一名果粉的劉海諷刺了iPhone X。
At the launch of the $999 iPhone X, the character in Samsung’s ad decides to switch to a Galaxy Note 8 rather than join the queues for the iPhone X. Standing in the line outside the Apple store is a man with a peculiar haircut—styled in the shape of the notch found at the top of Apple’s new smartphone.
在售價999美元的iPhone X發布后,三星廣告中的主角決定轉而購買三星蓋樂世Note 8手機,而不是為了買到iPhone X去排長隊。在蘋果商店外等候購買的長隊中,有一位男性發型很特殊,劉海的形狀和蘋果新版手機頂部的凹槽設計一樣。
Apple’s iPhone X notch has been widely criticized by tech pundits, who have called the design “odd” and “ridiculous.” The reason for the peculiar design is to accommodate a front-facing camera and facial-recognition technology in a device that Apple advertises as “all screen.”
iPhone X的凹槽設計一直飽受科技專家的批評,他們稱這種設計“奇葩”且“可笑”。這種特殊設計是為了兼容前置攝像頭和人臉識別技術,蘋果公司還大力宣傳了這種“全面屏”設計。
The video follows a character upgrading his Apple iPhone each year, and each year continuing to miss out on features like water-proofing, the headphone jack and more, as he compares to Samsung models that do have these features ahead of the iPhone.
今年5月,蘋果為了讓用戶換iPhone,一口氣推出8支廣告懟安卓,幾乎把安卓陣營黑的體無完膚;上月,三星發布了一則重點鼓吹OLED屏幕的廣告宣傳蓋樂世S8,而這則廣告發布的第二天iPhone X就開始接受預定;在iPhone 6上市之前,三星曾在廣告中表示蘋果不是第一家推出大屏設備的企業,三星還嘲笑iPhone 5電池續航能力極差。
The ad is not Samsung’s first slight against Apple. In 2024, the South Korean firm made fun of its rival’s phones as it launched the Galaxy Note 7, zeroing in on the lack of a headphone jack (which many Apple customers complained about). To go back even further, Samsung released videos on YouTube in 2024 and in a 2024 Superbowl teaser also, mocking Apple smartphones and watches.
這不是三星第一次懟蘋果了。2024年,三星公司在發布蓋樂世Note 7手機時,取笑蘋果手機沒有耳機插孔(很多蘋果手機用戶或許也抱怨這一點)。再往前看,2024年三星在YouTube發布的一段視頻,以及2024年在超級碗廣告中,都取笑了蘋果手機和蘋果手表。
2024年,三星公司在蓋樂世S6 Edge廣告中又對于蘋果無數的充電線進行了吐槽:“這么多充電線你累不累啊?”
The new Galaxy Note 8 by Samsung launched well before the Apple iPhone X, and comes with dual rear cameras with dual OIS, a much bigger 6.3-inch OLED full display with 18:9 aspect ratio. It also has a much bigger battery than Apple’s iPhone X (although Samsung doesn’t like to talk too much about batteries, given the fiasco with the Galaxy Note 7).
蘋果公司發布最新款iPhone X手機前,三星公司剛剛發布新款蓋樂世Note 8手機,配有后置雙攝像頭且都支持OIS光學防抖,擁有更大的6.3英寸OLED全屏幕,高寬比18:9,電池容量也比iPhone X更大(盡管由于Note 7電池慘敗,三星不怎么提這一點)。
Apple may not be too troubled by the mockery: the new iPhone is already sold out, and reports of strong demand around the world have driven the company’s stock to new all-time highs in recent days. And, as they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery: a new trial has been ordered to determine how much Samsung should pay Apple for copying the look of the iPhone.
There’s another irony to this battle: Samsung has a vested interest in the iPhone X’s success, given that Samsung supplies the OLED display, NAND flash and the DRAM chips in the iPhone.
諷刺的是,iPhone X熱賣還能讓三星公司賺上一筆,三星公司是蘋果手機的OLED顯示屏、NAND閃存和DRAM芯片供應商。